Paul Sims is one hard-working, honest mechanic who happens to own the place. We live in Bastrop, one of us works in Buda and his shop is on the other side of Austin from us - off of Hwy 183. Yet, we keep going because he's good, he's efficient and if he can't fix it, there's no B.S. involved. Really knows his stuff and I wouldn't go anywhere else. Believe me, with the price of gas, we think about going some place closer to our hive of activity, but don't because Paul and his guys do great work. It's very difficult to get consistent quality these days in ANYTHING, much less an auto mechanic. Much less with an HONEST auto mechanic. Have you had a tune-up lately? I'd just call Rational. He'll let you know what's up with your car/truck, whatever. And he's a really nice guy.